
  1. Price - Maximum Retail Price of the product/s should be displayed clearly on the package and the official website of the company.
    Additional Recommendations from Strategy India

    The company should give a notice of at least 30 days to all its active direct sellers before modifying the price of any product.

  2. Additional Recommendations from Strategy India

    Tax - the company should pay the applicable tax (Goods and Service tax) at M.R.P. (Maximum retail price).

  3. Additional Recommendations from Strategy India

    Satisfaction Guarantee - A Satisfaction Guarantee / Refund Policy of at least 30 days from invoicing of the product. This policy will be applicable only if not more than 30% of the product is consumed in case of consumable products. The consumer should be refunded 100% (minus the taxes) of the amount collected against the product by the direct seller. In case of non-consumable products, the product may only be returned if in marketable condition. The consumer should also be given an opportunity to exchange the goods within 30 days if they find any manufacturing defect or the product is not useful for the purpose it was meant.

  4. Money back Guarantee - Money back guarantee within 30 days from invoicing of the product. This policy would apply to all the goods returned in marketable condition. The direct sellers should be refunded 100% (minus the taxes) of the invoiced amount.
  5. Additional Recommendations from Strategy India

    Service support - for products promoted by the company is the responsibility of the direct selling company.

  6. Additional Recommendations from Strategy India

    Non-delivery of product/s - On non-delivery of the products / services to the direct seller within 20 days of invoicing (after the receipt of the payment by the company), the company, on request by the direct seller via email or post, will refund the entire amount paid by the direct seller by cheque / demand draft / pay order / reverse transaction within 7 working days of receiving the request.

  7. Additional Recommendations from Strategy India

    Product Claims - all the claims made by the company (on the official website and literature, including brochures, packaging, and labels) for the products should be supported by evidence in the form of certifications from competent authorities (e.g. laboratories).

  8. All applicable laws relevant to the category of products in India in force would apply.
  9. Additional Recommendations from Strategy India

    Negative list: (not to be promoted by companies deploying direct, single level and multilevel marketing compensation plans):

    • Deposits / Investments / Offered for free along with other products / services - in / for / in the form of or trading in - Stocks, Shares, Initial Public offering, Initial coin offering, Debentures, Regulated / Unregulated and regulated Currencies/Tokens including Virtual currencies including but not limited to Crypto tokens (wrongly referred to as “Cryptocurrencies”), Bullion markets, Preferential shares, Forex, Plantations, Farming, Infrastructure projects, Resorts, Trading in commodities, Birds (Poultry, Emu, Quail, etc.), Livestock (Rabbit, Goat, Sheep, Cow, Buffalo, etc.), Media, Car Lease and Real Estate.
    • Crowdfunding ventures
    • Discount coupons / Vouchers / Currency / Tokens
    • Betting / Gambling activities
    • Quiz portals
    • Recharge portals
    • Peer to Peer transactions in any names as Support, Gift, Help, Assistance, Donations, etc.
    • Bid coupons / Vouchers / Tokens
    • Websites / Web space / Bidding portals
    • Buy in to get paid - to click, to give surveys, to watch advertisements, to receive SMS and to receive emails and to invest in an advertising medium
    • Products used for intoxication
    • Any product, which exceeds its validity period / use by date / expiry date
    • Any illegal products
    • Non fungible tokens
    • Fantasy games and tokens/in game currency
    • Estate (online/offline)
    • Any equipment generating or claiming to generate tokens
    • Any online/physical – live/recorded training/coaching/literature for generating tokens/currencies
    • Any type of trading signals on any platforms and messaging applications
  10. Additional Recommendations from Strategy India

    Products to be promoted under specific conditions:

    • Gift Vouchers / Coupons - commissions / incentives to paid out only after redemption of the vouchers / coupons.
    • Discount vouchers / coupons / promissory notes - commissions / incentives to be paid out only for the purchase of products bought using the same.
    • Insurance - promoted only if the direct selling company is allowed by the IRDAI or if the direct sellers selling insurance are licensed as per the norms of the IRDAI.
    • Online products including software applications / products, e-learning, websites, video emails / mails, etc. should have a money back guarantee of a minimum of 30 days after activation by the consumer. In case of non-activation of an online product for more than one month, the sale would be considered invalid, after which the consumer would have full right to demand his money back. Activation should include confirmation via email registered to the consumer and mobile number.
    • Holiday / Timeshares coupons / vouchers / packages - commissions / incentives to be paid out after successful redemption of the coupon by the consumer.